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DOSAGE : Adults: 30 ml. tid or 45 ml bid after food.
Children : Half of the dosage of adults.

1.ABHAYARISHTAM: (Ashtamgahrudayam) - Useful in Piles, Gas trouble and Constipation. Increases digestive power.

2.AMRUJTHARISHTAM: (Sahasrayogam) - For prolonged Fever, Malaria, Indigestion.

3.ARAGWADHARISHTAM: (Ashtamgahrudayam) - Used for skin diseases especially with itching and for chronic wounds.

4.ASOKARISHTAM: (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For Menstrual disorders and concerned Gynaecological diseases.

5.ASWAGANDHARISHTAM : (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For Psychological disorders and general debility. Also can be used for maldeveloped brains; Epilepsy, lack of memory, Weariness, Anxiety and tension.

6.AYASKRITHI : (Ashtamgahrudayam) - For Diabetes and Obesity. Also can be used for Piles, Skin diseases, Worm troubles; Distaste.

7.BALARISHTAM : (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - Very effective in Rheumatic diseases. Increases digestive power, regains health.

8.DANTHYARISHTAM : (Sahasrayogam) - For Piles, Intestinal spasm and Ascites.

9.DASAMOOLARISHTAM : (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For General debility, Urinary diseases and loss of appetite. Also can be used for Gastric troubles, Vomitting, Distaste, Anaemia, Fainting, Ascites, Cough and Post natal care in women.

10.DASAMOOLAJEERAKAM : (Sahasrayogam) - For post natal care in women. Combined effect of Dasamoolarishtam and Jeerakadyarishtam.

11.DEVADAARVARISHTAM : (Sahasrayogam) - Useful in Rheumatic complaints and Diabetes.

12.DHATHRYARISHTAM: (Sahasrayogam) - For General debility and loss of appetite. It increases Immunity power, body strength and Intelligence.

13.DHANWANTHARARISHTAM: (Ashtamgahrudayam) - For Rheumatic Complaints. Also useful for Fever, Intestinal spasm, Urinary complaints, Tuberculosis and Post-natal care in women.

14.DRAAKSHARISHTAM : (Sarngadharasamhitha) - Far General I debility and Anaemia. Also can be used for Dyspnoea, Constipation, Tuberculosis, Cough.

15.DURALABHARISHTAM : (Ashtamgahrudayam)- Far Piles, Constipation and Indigestion.

16.JEERAKAADYARISHTAM : (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For Postnatal care in women. Effective in Cough, Dyspnoea and Aphonia.

17.KHADIRARISHTAM : (Sahasrayogam) - For Skin diseases, Warm troubles and Cardiac complaints. It acts as a blood purifier.

18.KLJT.AJAitISHTAM: (Bhaishajyaramavaly) - Far Diarrhoea with blood & mucus, Bleeding Piles, Sprue.

19.LAKSHMANARISHTAM : (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - Useful in Uterine disorders.

20.MOOLAKADYARISHTAM - Very effective in Infantile skin diseases such as Scabies, Erysipeles etc. Used for curing Oedema, Piles and Constipation.

21.MRUTHASANJEEVANI: (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For regaining the body strength. Increases Digestion and Intelligence. A sexual stimulative tonic.

22.MUSTHARISHTAM: (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - Used for Infantile spree, Loss of digestive power, Diarrhoea and Distaste.

23.NIMBADYARISHTAM: (Sahasrayogam) - Used for Skin diseases.

24.PARPADAKARISHTAM: (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For all types of Fevers particularly for chronic Pyrexia.

25.PARTHADHYARISHTAM: (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For Heart diseases, Respiratory complaints and Hypertension.

26.SARASWATHARISHTAM: (Sahasrayogam)- A special medicine for increasing the Brain power. Useful for Anxiety, Epilepsy, Stammering and Loss of memory.

27.SARASWATHARISHTAM (With Gold):(Sahasrayogam) - More effective in diseases indicated above. Dose: Adult: 10-20 drops twice daily. Children: 5-10 drops twice daily.

28.SUDARSANARISHTAM: (Bhaishajyaratnavaly) - For chronic Pyrexia and related disorders. Effective for Eosinophilia.

29.VASAARISHTAM: (Gada Nigraham) - For Asthma and Cough. Also can be used for Dyspnoea, Haematemesis, Aphonia.

30.VIDAMGARISHTAM: (Sarngadhara Samhitha) - For Worm infestation, Abscess, Lymphadenitis, Locked jaw.


"If you have any doubts please write it as a comment below,I will reply you as soon as possible or you can email directly to pousepoulose@gmail.com with your entire disease details.Self-Treatment Is Dangerous And Don't Do Any Self-Treatment After Reading The Information That I Shared In This Page."

Thank You

Dr.Pouse Poulose MS(Ay)

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